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Developing super fast reflexes using training lights

Updated on Jul 07, 2024
1 min read

Reaction training lights systems like Blazepod are used to improve athlete’s reaction time. Reaction time refers to how long it takes to respond to an external stimulus. In the competitive sports realm, reaction speed directly impacts performance. From sprinters responding to a start gun to a boxer reacting to an incoming punch, athletes who react fast have the winning hand almost always. You want these athletes to be your players/clients.

There are 2 major components that constitute an athlete’s reaction:

  1. Cognitive ability - this is the ability to acquire environmental information and react to them by taking the best possible athletic action.
    Most competitive sports today tend to be very unpredictable. For instance, you don’t know whether the next punch will be a jab, hook, or uppercut in boxing. Likewise, you could be moving in one direction in soccer before the ball gets intercepted, forcing you to move the other way. The sport-specific drills in Blazepod reflex light training App are tailored to sharpen your athletes’ cognitive aspect to make them quicker players.
  2. Physical fitness- the second attribute that these reaction lights for training target is your clients’ physical attribute. After deciding on the ideal reaction to take, the player needs to be explosive to change direction and get to top speed within no time. That’s what reaction lights training exercises will improve on.

When it comes to improving your players’ reaction speed, specificity is crucial. Ideally, you want your athletes to work on the visual, auditory, and touch stimuli mostly encountered in a specific sport. By conditioning their muscles to react in a particular way, reflex light training not only makes your players agile but also prevents severe injuries.

To increase efficiency in your workouts, the Blazepod App has specific exercises for different sports. As a light-based system, most of these exercises train your athletes’ minds to quickly process visual and auditory information and read the game effectively. The idea is that speedy visual processing abilities lead to quicker decision-making and reaction times in crucial situations. Ultimately, these aspects combine to give your players a competitive edge.